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Monday, October 20, 2008

Prof Jones' Thermite/Thermate Theory Takes Another Big Hit

In researching the presence of the elements of thermite/thermate in the dust sampling of ground zero, Prof Jones changed his story from saying the proof of the use of incendiary devices were from the presence of iron, aluminum, and sulfur. When told that these are common building materials, he then went back and did more research.

The next version of his story came when he said the presence of iron-rich microspheres were found in the dust samples and this proved that the use of thermite/thermate. He then went on state that the only way iron-rich microspheres can be formed is by a very high heat environment such as thermite can produce.

When asked for his sources for these claims, they went unanswered.

So, I checked out several sources for microspheres and found out that fly ash from incinerators contain the very same iron-rich microspheres that Prof Jones seemed to think was only produced from thermite. I checked further. Looking for the resulting use of fly ash, I found out that it is used in many construction materials such as concrete, plaster, drywall, and other powder based substances.

We cannot remove the possibility of the spheres being formed by steel workers cutting the beams for removal and even the steel workers cutting and welding the beams for installation. This shows that there would be a very strange environment at ground zero if there were no spheres.

It seems that Professor Jones has once again been exposed as relying on a single talking point and when it falls out from under him, he becomes accusatory and didn't like to hear that information.

I wonder what his next steps are: 1. He has chosen not to release his work on the thermite signature or any of his scientific findings; 2. The smoking gun he would have in his possession known as explosive residue from the dust samples; and 3. Why he chooses to limit his peer-reviews to only pieces that agree with 100% of his opinion and not any scientific work that proves his completely wrong by many other scientists.

It seems he is not being very scientific or intellectually honest. I guess he has chosen to allow his followers to think a certain way and not give them any chance of validating his work or allowing them to ask questions. The followers are doing their job quite well and are parroting his work and being obediently quiet in referring to the details of his work.

As with any of my points, please send them to other experts for clarification or refutation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The answers to all of your questions can be found here.

However, you will be required to open your mind and question those who control our Government. If your not willing to do that then just keep believing what you heard on Fox and CNN.

"And what is true, one does not have to accept: it is so. It is only when there is contention between the false and the false that there is acceptance and rejection, agreement and disagreement." J. Krishmnamurti.